Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alhamdulillah :)

As I sit here waiting for fajr, I thought that I could share something that happened to me yesterday. See, I was walking to school and while crossing a parking lot, I somehow managed to trip (not slip on ice ironically) and fall, with my face hitting the gravel, leaving me with scrapes all over the right half of my face. My face still looks like I got into a terrible fight, but alhamdulillah that all of my teeth are still intact and that I did not sprain anything!

I managed to get a friend (may Allah SWT bless her for all her help!) who said that she would come  and pick me up. So I waited for her but it was so cold (-8 deg C/18 F) that I decided to try my luck and see if anyone would let me in and wait where it would be much warmer. It just so happened that I fell in the parking lot of a church, and as I pressed the doorbell, I prayed that they would be kind and let me in. A minute passed and an old lady greeted me.

Trying to smile, I asked, "Hi. I just tripped and fell. Do you mind if I come in and wait for my friend to pick me up, since it's so cold outside?"

I must have looked quite a sight, especially with grit and blood on half of my face. I could sense her hesitance and a couple of seconds passed before she finally nodded and let me in, pointing to a bench where I could sit while waiting for my friend.

As I finally entered the church and into the warmth, in my heart I uttered, "Alhamdulillah for small favours."


  1. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that you got hurt - I recall your tweets about this of course, but reading the account makes it more . .real I guess. I hope you are doing better now Sister. :-)

    Br. Anees

  2. JazakAllah khair, Br. Anees. I am doing much better, alhamdulillah. :)

  3. ouch...that sounds painful. Hope the face has healed. I think people are willing to help, if we only put aside our reservations and ask. IN any case, what was there to lose right?

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
