Monday, December 6, 2010

Best of Both Worlds

To view or download the article, click here. :)

- The Muslim Reader, 2008 -


  1. Wow Sister, this looks like an amazing read! Will definitely get around to it insha'allah.

    Also, Jazak'Allahu Khairan for following on Twitter (this is @americanbrother). I used to have a blog on blogspot as well, but recently deleted it after 1.5 years. I was proud of it, had 55 followers, but with school and after what has happened in my home city of Portland at the end of last month, family member who found out about it, got scared and told me to shut it down and I think it was for the best.)

    Anyways, see you around on Twitter insha'allah!


  2. Oops, one more thing, Dec. 6 was my birthday! :-)

  3. Ah jazakAllah khair... Happy belated birthday then! :)
